
Some Key Points to Remember About “Java”

  • Java was released to the public as a version 1.02 indeed the first.
  • Java facilitates it’s programmers with, object oriented features, friendly syntax, management of memory, and portability i.e. - write once run anywhere (WORA).

The process how Java works:

  1. There is a Source code written by user. 
  2. Which is Compiled into a new document i.e. bytecode (which is platform independent)
  3. Than Java Virtual machine is implemented in software’s - which is used to read and run the bytecode.

What the Java users are actually going to do:

  1. We’ll create a source code file with (.java extension).
  2. Then we’ll Compile it using javac compiler which will generate a (.class file) which is made up of bytecodes.
  3.  Last we’ll run the compiled bytecode on a java virtual machine.

Let’s talk about Versions of Java:

  • Java2 version 1.4 and higher versions comes in three flavors:  Micro Edition (J2ME), Standard Edition (J2SE), and Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
  • There are 2500 classes are present in Java latest Versions i.e. J2SE 7.
  • Reason of writing a class within main() method:
  • In java, everything happens in a class. Running a program in Java means that, telling the jvm (Java virtual machine) to load the class and execute its main () method.

The Code structure followed by java:

  1. Source file: That is used to hold a class definition.
  2. Class file: That is used to hold one or more methods (functions).
  3. The Methods are used to hold one or more statements.
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