
What is JAVA Programming all about

" If you believe there is always a better way, than take the next step in exploring your potential with "JavaEffect"

Know let's talk about Java, indeed what really it is..
Java if fully pure object oriented programming language because it is based on Classes and Objects. Java is a set of computer software's and specifications that was developed by "James Gosling" and his "Green Team" at Sun Microsystems in the early 90's. Which is now acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2010.
What is JAVA Programming all about : JavaSecret
What is JAVA Programming all about : JavaSecret
Sun Microsystems formally announced Java at the major conference "SunWorld" on 23 May 1995. From that day till now the revolution continues - Java is everywhere!!!

It is a Simple, productive, efficient language which has essence of C and C++ and connection for C#. It is designed for building robust, secure Desktop-based

applications, Web-based applications, Enterprise applications, Mobile-based applications.

Major Highlights of JAVA:

  • It is "easy to Learn " language.
  • It is based in WORA-"Write Once Run Anywhere".
  • It is Platform Independent-i.e you just need the bytecode(.class file) and "jvm"(java virtual machine). we'll talk about this later.
  • Java is compiled and interpreted both-compiler(javac) and interpreter(java).
  • It is portable-means which is achieved by the bytecode(.class file) generated by java compiler.
  • Enables the creation of cross-platform programs.

Features/Characteristics of Java:

1. Object-Oriented: Java treats "everything as an object". Java is centered around creating objects, manipulating objects etc. In Java all datatypes, GUI building blocks(windows, frames) are considerd as objects and all functions(known as methods in Java) are associated with objects. That is why Java is considered as pure object oriented programming language.

2. Robust: Robust means Reliable. Java allows you to create highly robust programs. To gain Reliability Java provides few key areas - helps the user to find out errors early in the program. Java provides strong Type Checking i.e. checks the code at compile time. Java virtually manages memory allocation and deallocation(completely automatic due to automatic garbage collection provided by Java). It also provides Exception Handling.

3. Architectural Neutral: And also known as Platform Independent - means the goal is to follow WORA - "Write Once And Run Anywhere", anytime forever. Java is capable of running programs on any Operating System - Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris. We just need to have Jvm(Java Virtual Machine). So the generated bytecode(.class file) by Java compiler can be run anywhere.

4. Interpreted and High Performance: The Java Interpreter(java) executes the translated bytecode directly onto the system that has Jvm(Java Virtual Machine).

Java bytecode was designed carefully so that it would be easy to translate it directly into the native machine code using a JIT(Just in Time Compiler) for providing high performance.

5. Java is Secure: Java provides high level of security to the users. One of the main reasons is that pointers are not a part of Java. There are many runtime constraints due to use of Java Virtual Machine. Java provides a suite of secure APIs(Application Programming Interface). Java platform provides a security

manager that allows users to run untrusted bytecode in a "sandboxed" environment to protect them from malicious or poorly written software.

Object-Oriented Programming Approach:

The core of Java is - Object Oriented Programming Approach. This approach came into existence in order to remove the flaws of conventional programming approach. OOPS(Object Oriented Programming) focuses both on Data and Methods. It follows the Bottom-Up Approach. More emphasis is on Data rather than functions. The problem is divided into a number of entities called objects. Now Let's talk about Features of Object Oriented Programming.

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